Serving As A Sustaining Member The Junior League of Morgan County (JLMC) has four classes of membership, Provisional, Active, Golden Active and Sustaining. A Sustaining Member is one who has contributed five or more years of Active member status to JLMC. A Sustainer has all the privileges of membership except that she may not hold office or vote on issues that come before the membership. A Sustainer in good standing has the obligation to pay dues but she is not required to attend meetings or perform volunteer service within the Junior League programs. After the minimum five years of service within Junior League, Active members may select Sustainer status. They take what they have learned out into the community and demonstrate the effectiveness of trained volunteers on community boards of directors, on school boards, in elected office and on a variety of community, school and church activities within their area of interest. Sustaining JLMC JLMC has nearly 300 Sustaining Members. In addition to community work, Sustainers assist the Junior League by serving as Sustaining Advisors to fundraising activities and one member serves as a Sustainer Representative to Executive Board. Three Sustaining Members serve as permanent members on our Community Advisory Board. |