Junior League of Morgan County
Mission Statement:
The Junior League of Morgan County is an organization of women committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential for women, and improving communities through effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Our purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.
The Junior League of Morgan County (JLMC) has been hard at work gearing up for another great year! We look forward to making an impact again in our community this year through the volunteer hours and energy provided by our members. JLMC is seeking volunteer opportunities with other community partners whose project compliments the Mission Statement of the Junior League and who share a passion for improving the lives of those in Morgan County. Ultimately, the goal is to match our volunteers with unique, fulfilling volunteer opportunities that allow a measurable impact in Morgan County communities.
All Active JLMC members are required to justify their membership in the League by participating in approximately 30 hours of some form of volunteer service. To appropriately fulfill these hours, JLMC members complete Done In A Days (DIADs) during the course of the JLMC year (August-May). DIADs are various volunteer opportunities throughout Morgan County that our members can participate in to fulfil their requirements. Due to the large number of requests we receive, JLMC is accepting applications from community partners to establish our DIADs for the 2024-2025 JLMC year.
The majority of JLMC volunteers are working professionals and complete their volunteer assignments on nights and weekends.
APPLICATION PROCESS: JLMC will accept requests that are completed and submitted to JLMC by 5:00 pm on August 8, 2024. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA AND GUIDELINES:
The Junior League of Morgan has a long and distinguished record of service to the Morgan County area. We look forward to continuing this legacy through collaborative approaches and partnerships within our community that allows us to fulfill our mission and provide our members with meaningful volunteer opportunities. We invite your request and look forward to working with you. Should you need more information or have questions regarding the form or process, please contact Kelsey Hensley at (256) 606-2892, or by email at jlmorgancounty@gmail.com using the subject: JLMC Done In A Day. To fill out our online form click the link below: Done In A Day Volunteer Request Form |