In communities throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Great Britain, more than 150,000 Junior League members have been the driving force behind the kinds of initiatives and institutions that make communities healthier, more vital places to live: childhood immunization, family literacy, women’s shelters, children’s museums, historic preservation, leadership development, and more.
Comprised of 292 Junior Leagues in four countries, the Association of Junior Leagues International Inc. (AJLI) has been providing support, guidance and leadership development opportunities to member Leagues for more than 80 years.
AJLI strives to unite all the Junior Leagues, provide continuity and support, and serve as a steward for the Junior League Movement. Today, through regional, national, and international meetings, comprehensive resources and customized consultations, we add value to our member Leagues in their fulfillment of the Junior League Mission.
AJLI is governed by a 20-member Board of Directors, all of whom are members of the Junior Leagues in their communities. The Board is accountable to the Leagues for the development of goals, which enhance Leagues’ ability to fulfill the Junior League Mission. AJLI then works with the Board to provide services to Leagues that support the established goals.
The Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc. New York, NY 10038 Tel: 212.951.8300 (toll free 1.800.955.3248 ) Fax: 212.481.7196 E-mail: Web: |